Creating QUALITY COMPOST and helping you make your own compost at home

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We believe that people want to do their part by living in sustainable ways, but they don’t always know how to do it. Part of our mission is to teach people about food waste, and to provide solutions that people can easily incorporate into their daily lives. It won’t be long until food waste is no longer accepted at landfills, and by building up a community of composters, we find ourselves being a part of the solution!

Our vision is a future where every community composts its own organics, and uses what it produces to benefit the people who live there. So whether you are composting to make your own soil amendment or trying to figure out a good way to keep your fruits and vegetables out of the landfill, we are here to help you achieve just that. More and more people are discovering how easy it to compost their kitchen food waste with worms. Specialty growers, school groups, businesses, families and home gardeners all appreciate the power that these little critters bring to the table. They have put the shovels and pitchforks away and let the worms do the work!

Here at Annie’s Home Farm, we brag that our workforce labors 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with no time off. Tens of thousands of worms work their magic on a diverse list of organic materials, and they don’t stop until they have turned all that back into rich, dark and stable humus, back into the basic organic matter from whence it all came. Vermicomposting is a quick process too, as much as three times faster than traditional composting.

At Annie’s Home Farm, we believe that people want to live in environmentally responsible ways- they simply need great education and a little direction— and, of course, the right compost worm supplier. That’s where we come in.