Ugly Soap Dish - Raise The Bar Campaign


If you are ordering worms, or vermicast, we invite you to join Annie’s Home Farm in our mission to reduce plastic household waste, one room at a time! Commit to replacing the liquid soap dispenser in one or all of your home’s sinks. Bar soap is much more sustainable, and doesn’t create more plastic waste. Less than 10% of all the plastic we have put in recycling bins over the last 30 years has actually been recycled! Using bar soap also gives you a fun thing to look for when you are out shopping. Soap makers come up with the most beautiful scents and textures! These artisans would love your support! We’ll send you a natural and sustainable bar of soap and one of our hand-chosen, carefully-thrifted ugly soap dishes.

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If you are ordering worms, or vermicast, we invite you to join Annie’s Home Farm in our mission to reduce plastic household waste, one room at a time! Commit to replacing the liquid soap dispenser in one or all of your home’s sinks. Bar soap is much more sustainable, and doesn’t create more plastic waste. Less than 10% of all the plastic we have put in recycling bins over the last 30 years has actually been recycled! Using bar soap also gives you a fun thing to look for when you are out shopping. Soap makers come up with the most beautiful scents and textures! These artisans would love your support! We’ll send you a natural and sustainable bar of soap and one of our hand-chosen, carefully-thrifted ugly soap dishes.

If you are ordering worms, or vermicast, we invite you to join Annie’s Home Farm in our mission to reduce plastic household waste, one room at a time! Commit to replacing the liquid soap dispenser in one or all of your home’s sinks. Bar soap is much more sustainable, and doesn’t create more plastic waste. Less than 10% of all the plastic we have put in recycling bins over the last 30 years has actually been recycled! Using bar soap also gives you a fun thing to look for when you are out shopping. Soap makers come up with the most beautiful scents and textures! These artisans would love your support! We’ll send you a natural and sustainable bar of soap and one of our hand-chosen, carefully-thrifted ugly soap dishes.